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Topic: Taxes, Matches 17 quotes.



. . . civil administration, which is primarily dependent upon taxes that can be accurately forecast, except for income and other like special taxes which are in the nature of extra or surplus revenues. Therefore there are in governmental activities few occasions when an unbalanced budget—that is, when more is spent than is taken in—is not created by some deliberate act.

Furthermore, governmental agencies, knowing their fixed income, can plan their expenditures with certainty, they can so fix their expenditures as to fall within their income.

Source: President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
General Conference, April 1940

Topics: Government, Spending; Taxes



Patrick Henry railed against taxation without representation. He should see it with representation.

Source: Saul Landau
comment made in a radio interview October 1995

Topics: Taxes



Tax-payers Must Meet Public Debts

If I might be pardoned, I should like to add another word about two closely related subjects which I have mentioned or referred to at almost every, if not every, Conference since April, 1933; I refer to the enormous expenditures of the people’s money and to the ever-growing feeling and belief that a great group of the people can live off the public without working.

I should like to say again that neither the State nor the Federal Government has any funds except only such funds as it obtains from the people. Neither of them has anywhere a great pile of gold to which it can go for its money. You taxpayers must furnish it all; and every citizen is a taxpayer, either by direct or indirect taxation. Whenever governments borrow, they borrow from the taxpayers who must pay back or repudiate. To pay back large borrowings causes great hardship and burdening sacrifices; to repudiate brings economic and sometimes political chaos.

Source: President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
General Conference, April 1938

Topics: Taxes; Welfare



Extravagance Deplored

I despise waste, and I think that waste under present conditions is almost criminal—the waste of anything. Extravagance that amounts to waste is likewise indefensible in view of the great needs that present themselves. Sometimes I grow indignant when I see and contemplate the extravagances that are indulged by some of our institutions, both public and private when people are in such great distress and great want. There are extravagances in government that absorb all my own taxes and the taxes of my neighbors. These expenses are useless and unnecessary, some of them legalized it is true, but public service ought to be so alive to the situation that confronts us today that even if extravagance is legalized it should be stopped. A sense of the proprieties and a sense of fairness and justice would prompt such action.

Our taxes are unbearably high because our incomes are so reduced. It is a tragedy to see the farms and the homes that are being sacrificed because of the inability of their owners to pay the taxes levied on them. Of course we want good government, we want the protection of law, we want all the opportunities that good government affords to us, and I recognize that they have to be paid for, but this is a day when economy must be applied.

Source: Elder Stephen L. Richards
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Responsibility; Taxes



Investigation By Taxpayers

I am very sympathetic with the movement that I have heard is in progress wherein the taxpayers constitute themselves committees to investigate our public expenditures. No official of the government who has the right conception of his trust ought, in any sense, to resent an investigation of the administration of his office. I like the idea. I wish citizens everywhere would organize themselves and go to public officials and question them and ascertain whether or not it is not possible to make reductions in the excessive costs for which we are paying bills, for we pay them all.

Source: Elder Stephen L. Richards
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Responsibility; Taxes



Perplexing Situations

Our government is now very much in the condition that it was at that early time. Demands are made upon it which are exceedingly difficult to comply with. The soldiers of our country are in an ugly mood because their requests are not granted. The resources of the country are not sufficient to meet the demands made upon it, notwithstanding the great increase in taxes which has recently been levied. The bulletin boards, while this conference has been in session, have announced that the budget of the government is still five hundred million dollars short of balance. What is the result going to be? I do not know; I do not want to assume the responsibility of indicating, but I do know that there are some things which will help. I do know that Elder Richards this afternoon has declared to you in plain terms some of the things that must be accomplished. There is about ten billions of dollars of gold in the world. Our national debt is twenty billions of dollars. What the debt of other nations of the world is I do not now, I have not taken the time to determine, but this I do know, that the World war cost about two hundred billions of dollars, and that does not take into consideration the amount which was paid for the restoration of property destroyed, nor does it take into consideration the fact that I believe nearly ten millions of men, if I remember the figures correctly, were either killed or permanently disabled and taken away from the forces which create the industries of the world. So that altogether I calculate that at least two hundred and fifty billions of dollars was the cost of that great war. Will the debt ever be paid? It never will. That goes without saying. Some part of it may be, I do not know. No one will deny the fact that the government at present is confronted with perplexing situations, questions of great import. How they are to be solved men appear not to know, and I do not know. One thing that I do know, is that the American people are capable of solving these problems if the voice of the people coud be heard. I have faith in the sold of these American people which God has brought to this land. He has said, and I am only repeating his words, that the nation shall persist, that it shall be able to meet any emergency that shall arise if it will only, as I have stated, have faith in the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Debt; Taxes; War



We demand that the federal government reduce expenses and balance the budget. And have you observed that every proposition made in Washington to reduce federal expenses in Utah meets with our violent protest? We wish the government to reduce expenses elsewhere ut to increase them in Utah. Why? Is not selfishness the answer?

And we want the budget balanced. This means the government must raise more money. How? The only way seems to be by some form of increased taxation, but we protest every suggestion to increase our taxes. Apparently we are far, very far, from a willingness to live the “Golden Rule.” We are willing for the other fellow to be taxed, but protest being taxed ourselves.

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, April 1932

Topics: Government, Spending; Taxes



Coercion In Government Not The Lord’s Way

The Lord Himself has always favored government by the people. You will remember that in the days of Samuel the Prophet the Lord instructed him to let the people have whatever form of government they desired. They clamored for a dictator, a king, and because the Lord respected the right of free-will and human choice, because He recognized the right of men to govern themselves, and that it is better that humanity be self-governed, even though they are poorly governed, than to be compelled to obey even the divine law, He told the Prophet to let the people have a king, a dictator, since they insisted upon it. And the Bible tells us that after the decision of the Israelites to have a king, their dictatorial rulers wasted the substance of the people, they took away their personality and their freedom, and oppressed them with heavy taxes and other burdens. Instead of making a government for the people, as in a democracy, the people became the subjects of the dictators who did not rule for the good of the many but to bring power, wealth and idleness to a few.

Our government is founded on the principle laid down by the Lord Himself: that a man is capable of self-government. This is in harmony with the divine intent expressed by the Creator when He said:

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion . . . over all the earth.”

This important statement of man’s right and ability to rule is expressed in our Declaration of Independence thus: “Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.” And no doubt those forms of government in which there is an assumption to rule without the consent of those who are to be governed are responsible for that forceful expression, “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.”

Source: Elder Richard R. Lyman
General Conference, October 1940

Topics: Free Agency; Freedom, Loss of; Government; Government, Ideal; Taxes

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