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Topic: Politics, Matches 42 quotes.



Our Responsibility As Citizens

“We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law.”

In the light of this declaration every real Latter-day Saint is a good citizen. He is loyal to civil authority, an observer of law, a supporter of those who make and enforce the law. But this is not all. Good citizenship requires something more of a person than to be loyal to authority and to be law-abiding.

We are living under democratic forms of government. This puts certain responsibilities upon the shoulders of the citizens, upon those who enjoy the privileges of the franchise. The voters elect the officers, those who make, interpret, and execute the laws. The government will, therefore, be good or bad depending on the character, wisdom, ability and efficiency of its officers. To have a good government we must have good officers, and to have good officers the voters must do, their duty. They must enter politics, that is, take an active part in all those forms, processes and functions needful to elect and stand by and support good officers.

The government cannot be left to, professional politicians to elect themselves and to rule in their selfish interests. If this were done the people would suffer from unjust laws, unjustly and oppressively administered. Experience abundantly testifies to this truth.

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Citizenship; Politics



Know The Truth And Follow It

Now, if a citizen is to do well his part in securing good government he must be well informed on public questions and problems. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that man cannot be saved in ignorance and that the glory of God is intelligence. These are fundamental doctrines with us. Hence to please our Father in heaven, we must continually strive for wisdom, knowledge, intelligence we must keep growing in God-like attributes.

Can we vote intelligently and wisely unless we are informed on the questions and candidates at issue? But does not good citizenship require us to vote in this manner? I think so. We then should make a careful study of these questions, study them open-mindedly and as fully and deeply as circumstances will permit. To do this we must not be bound by a spirit of partisanship. Principles and policies should guide us rather than self-seeking politicians. We should follow the truth rather than deceptive propaganda.

But how shall we know the truth? Learn all the facts pertaining to the case, interpret them fairly, justly, truthfully, and with a sincere desire to be wise and to act for the best good of all, at least for the majority. Then we shall not be far from the truth. Good citizenship requires that we shall not be carried away from a safe anchorage by misleading propaganda, fostered by selfish interests.

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Citizenship; Politics; Responsibility



My religion ought to teach me to regard my fellow as entitled to his views, as well as I am to mine, in matters political as in all else. I believe in men taking part in politics. We have to do so in order to function in government, even as has been said. But I say to you Latter-day Saints if you, my brother, claim to be a Republican, be a straight, honest one. And if you, my other brother claim to be a Democrat, be a genuine Democrat. I know too many honorable Democrats to believe that all the good is in the Republican party, or the reverse. Some people even say: “Both can not be right.” “Oh, is that so? Then if the Republicans are right the Democrats must be wrong.” Would the proposition stand analysis? According to that, if the Democrats are good the Republicans are bad, out and out. Well now, I know good people and I know bad people, according to my mode of analysis, in both these parties, and I have been led to say sometimes that I think each is a little worse than—perhaps I should say better than—the other. Do not think because your neighbor does not vote your ticket that he is reprobate and bound for destruction. Do your duty as citizens, as I try to do mine, and do not feel that your neighbor is not entitled to his views. Do not let rancor and hatred find a place in your heart because of political differences.

Source: Elder James E. Talmage
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Politics; Voting



Value Of Opposition

Perhaps no greater truth was ever expressed than that revealed through the prophet Lehi: “It must needs be that there is an opposition in all things.” As it is we sometimes have trouble in getting any considerable part of our citizens to the polls, and how many do you think would go if we had only one party and one ticket in the field? There must needs be opposition. Let it be honorable opposition. Let differences of opinion be held in honesty. Oh, let us be men, remembering our divine origin, and conducting ourselves accordingly.

Source: Elder James E. Talmage
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Politics



A Blessing For Government Officials

I pray God to bless his Saints all over the wide world, and I bless them by the authority of the priesthood which I hold. I pray for our country and ask the Lord to bless those who preside in the nation, in the states, in the cities and in the counties. I pray God to inspire the people that they will obey his commands, and elect good men to office; that they will bury their political differences and seek for good men to hold office, and not men who connive with those who are breaking the laws of our country. It is one of the articles of our faith to obey and uphold the laws of the land. May God help us to do it. . . . [A]nd I do it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Source: President Heber J. Grant
General Conference, April 1928

Topics: Heavenly Interest in Human Events; Politics



Nation’s Salvation Rests With Its Citizens

We leave this question with you. We want you to understand that the salvation of this nation rests in the hands of its citizens not in the hands of those who control its civil affairs at present, but those who hold the franchise, and are to exercise it in the future. It appears to me that if the importance of this were understood, greater care would be exercised in the selection of men for public office.

There are enough of such men, and to spare, to administer our public affairs. There are good men, honest men, in all political parties, and associated with all churches and many who are allied with neither party or church. I do not appeal to any particular group of people, but to Christian people the world over.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1927

Topics: Politics



In time of war we know no party; all come to the defense of the country. In this hour, when Constitution and laws are being ridiculed, there ought to be no Democrats and no Republicans, no Prohibitionists and no Socialists, but only the one great party—the party of those who stand for law and order, for the Constitution of our country and the liberties for which we have paid so great a price.

Source: Elder Richard R. Lyman
General Conference, October 1927

Topics: Politics



The mission of Orson Hyde is well known to the Latter-day Saints; how, under very great difficulties, trials and hardships, he made his way to Jerusalem, went to the summit of the Mount of Olives,and there wrote out a prayer that God put into his heart, dedicating the land of Palestine for the return of the Jews, and for the renewal of their national existence. That prayer—and it is a most wonderful prayer—has been published many times in our periodicals. It is published also in the History of the Church, which is derived chiefly from the office journal of the Prophet Joseph. Orson Hyde, returning from his mission when in Alexandria, also wrote to the Millennial Star of the then current date and there made a rather wonderful prediction. He said in substance that it was by political power that Judah had been broken and scattered abroad, and that it would be by the exercise of political power that Judah would be restored; and furthermore he declared that England would be the leading national power that would befriend Judah, and aid him in the re-establishment of his people in the land of Palestine. This was published in the Millennial Star of 1842, and may be found by those curious enough to seek for he source of this information.

Source: Elder Brigham H. Roberts
General Conference, April 1927

Topics: Politics



Summary And Application

So, my brethren and sisters, I reach this conclusion: That it is the duty of each member of the Church to honor and obey the law of the land, and sustain the men who are chosen to administer it, in so far as they do so in righteousness and justice. That the Priesthood is conferred upon us for the development and control of the Church of Christ, and that it cannot be legitimately used for any other purpose. That whenever we use it for the promotion of personal interests, to gratify personal pride, or ambition, or apply it by compulsion or restraint, we are upon dangerous ground, and not in harmony with the word of the Lord. My conception is that the exercise of the Priesthood can only be legitimately used where the purpose is to provide equal opportunity for all, in the sphere occupied by each member of the Church, and special privileges to none, except as men may have merited honor and distinction through devotion to the work of the Lord.

Do not understand me to infer that men holding the Priesthood are not entitled to participate in all of the activities of the state, and enjoy any and all of the emoluments to which citizenship entitles them, but this participation, and the honors which may come to them should be the reward of merit; and the influence of the Priesthood, as such, should not be used to accomplish their personal desires.

Neither do I wish to infer that the Priesthood should not be exercised in the promotion and development of the temporal interests of the people. It is a poor system of religion, indeed, which treats only with the salvation of the souls of men, while it leaves their bodies to perish.

What a simple thing it is, and yet how vitally important. If the people of the world could only be taught obedience to this doctrine, to willingly honor and obey the law of the land in the control of civil affairs, leaving all men to answer to the Lord in matters of faith and worship, each having decent respect for rights and opinions of his neighbor, thus rendering to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, and to God that which pertains to his Kingdom, peace would soon prevail throughout the earth, Christ’s Kingdom would be established, and the will of the Lord would be done of earth, as it is done in heaven.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, April 1923

Topics: Law; Politics

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