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Topic: Citizenship, Matches 36 quotes.



But, brethren, beware that you do not become extremists on either side. The degree of a man’s aversion to communism may not always be measured by the noise he makes in going about and calling everyone a communist who disagrees with his personal political bias. There is no excuse for members of this Church, especially men who hold the priesthood, to be opposing one another over communism; we are all unalterably opposed to it, but we must be united in our fight against it. Let us not undermine our government or accuse those who hold office of being soft on communism. Furthermore, our chapels and meetinghouses should not be made available to men who seek financial gain or political advantage by destroying faith in our elected officials under the guise of fighting communism. Let self-appointed protectors of our freedom finance their own schemes. We call upon the priesthood of the Church to stand together with a solid front against everything that would rob men of their God-given freedom.

Source: President Hugh B. Brown
General Conference, April 1962

Topics: Citizenship; Communism



However, above all else, strive to support good and conscientious candidates of either party who are aware of the great dangers inherent in communism and who are truly dedicated to the Constitution in the tradition of our founding fathers. They should also pledge their sincere fealty to our way of liberty—a liberty which aims at the preservation of both personal and property rights. Study the issues, analyze the candidates on these grounds, and then exercise your franchise as free men and women. Never be found guilty of exchanging your birthright for a mess of pottage!

Source: President David O. McKay
General Conference, October 1962

Topics: Citizenship; Voting



I am devoutly grateful that I am an American. It is a proud thing to be an American. I firmly believe that the flag that waves over you and over me is the best flag that ever waved over any land or any people—made so by the heroism of the men who founded this Republic and who have maintained it. My heart was touched with the beautiful and dignified tribute which a distinguished visitor, General Summerall, paid to this people yesterday morning. I hope we deserve it, and I believe that we do. I am sure that “Mormonism” has in it the genius of the best civilization the world has ever seen. All good Latter-day Saints are good citizens. Poor citizenship is an evidence of poor affiliation with the Church. It cannot be otherwise. I am grateful for the government that shelters us, for the opportunity which it gives to its citizens. I love this land of ours. The Almighty in his infinite kindness has established our feet in the tops of the eternal hills and given us a place where the sun shines more days in the year than in any other place, where the skies are bluer and the water clearer. We ought to be good citizens, and we ought to stand firmly for the maintenance of the principles bred in the institutions which we love and cherish.

Source: Elder Bryant S. Hinckley
General Conference, October 1927

Topics: Citizenship



Good administration of government

But in any society, good government can be had only if administered by good men, selected by good citizens.

To be a good citizen, we should learn for ourselves what is set forth in the constitution. This knowledge can be obtained only through individual study of the document itself. We must not only study it, but we must also guard it. It was Daniel Webster who uttered these prophetic words: “Watchful guardianship over the Constitution is, the proper means for its support. . . .”

In addition to the love of God and the love of our neighbor and, as Jesus said, the love of our enemies, there should be found in each of us a love of our country and of the constitution which binds it together.

Source: Elder ElRay L. Christiansen
General Conference, October 1967

Topics: Citizenship; Government, Good



The foundation of a noble character is integrity. By this virtue the strength of a nation, as of an individual, may be judged. No nation will become great whose trusted officers will pass legislation for personal gain, who will take advantage of public office for personal preferment, or to gratify vain ambition or who will, through forgery, chicanery, and fraud, rob the government, or be false in office to a public trust.

Honesty, sincerity of purpose, must be the dominant traits of character in leaders of a nation that would be truly great.

“I hope,” said George Washington, “that I may ever have virtue and firmness enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles—the character of an honest man.”

It was Washington’s character more than his brilliancy of intellect that made him the choice of all as their natural leader when the thirteen original colonies decided to sever their connection with the mother country. As one in eulogy to the father of our country truly said: “When he appeared among the eloquent orators, the ingenious thinkers the vehement patriots of the Revolution, his modesty and temperate profession could not conceal his superiority; he at once, by the very nature of his character, was felt to be their leader.”

Let us in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as citizens of this beloved land, use our influence to see that men and women of upright character, of unimpeachable honor, are elected to office; that our homes are kept unpolluted and unbroken by infidelity; that children therein will be trained to keep the commandments of the Lord, to be honest, true, chaste benevolent, and virtuous, and to do good to all men. (See Thirteenth Article of Faith.)

Source: President David O. McKay
General Conference, April 1964

Topics: Citizenship; Virtue



It was never intended that our life on earth would be one of ease, since this life is but an interlude between two eternities.

Is there a need in American schools to teach our young men what America should really mean to them? And what about the young men of America who are not in our schools? Who will alert them? Because these secret youth organizations will be aimed directly at America’s young people, leaders of state and city governments should investigate every new youth organization seeking to become established within their respective jurisdictions. Our danger is greatest from within. If America is to be destroyed, the enemy knows full well it will have to be weakened from within.

Young men of America, stand by the traditions of your founding fathers. Make no compromise with the enemies of your freedom. Stand for your rights. Be true to your government. Be known and remembered for your patriotism, for your contribution to the freedom with which you would bless your posterity as you have been blessed by those who have paid the price and gone before.

Young men of America! Do you labor under the illusion that you can fight only behind a gun to defend your priceless heritage? Be not deceived! We are at war right now—not a shooting war but a contention as real and deadly as any shooting war ever fought in the history of man. Think of the uncounted millions already enslaved by the enemy without the horrors of a shooting war.

Each one of us should resolve to do everything he can for his country, which has done so much for him; assist in helping the rest of the world realize what freedom is and to keep aglow the fire which can truly light the world. You share in the noblest privilege of man, which is to make God’s work your own. “Men must choose to be governed by God or they condemn themselves to be ruled by tyrants,” was the way William Penn pronounced our death sentence as a nation or expressed our hope for survival.

Source: Bishop Thorpe B. Isaacson
General Conference, April 1961

Topics: Citizenship; Duty; Responsibility



Just a word about our obligation as citizens:

When the Apostle Paul was being bound with thongs for a scourging, he said to the centurion that stood by, “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned?”

Then the chief captain came and said to Paul: “Tell me, art thou a Roman?” and Paul answered that he was. “And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom.”

I fancy that Paul straightened up when he said: “But I was free born!” (See Acts 22:25-28.)

I wonder if we freeborn Americans appreciate what it is to have the right to vote, to express by our vote our choice of those who are to rule over us. No, thank heaven, not to rule over us—to serve us in the service of the government. For you, the electorate, are the rulers in this great Republic.

Those who have taken out their citizenship I think appreciate it even more than some of us who have it by birth.

We have an election in November, in which you have the right to state who will fill the offices that are now to be filled in the nation, in the state, and in our local affairs. We ask, we plead that every member of the Church go to the polls in November and cast your vote for the men and women whom you wish to occupy the offices named. Now you choose, and choose wisely and prayerfully, but cast your vote.

Source: President David O. McKay
General Conference, October 1956

Topics: Citizenship; Voting



But that does not mean, because we have within our hearts a deep-seated religious conviction, that we are at the same time not qualified to participate in government. Unless we have faith in God and fear him and keep his commandments, we can hardly be worthy to hold high positions in government. The Prophet Joseph has told us in this statement through the inspiration of the Lord that we must have righteous men in order to have righteous government. If we are to be a God-fearing nation and enjoy the blessings of peace, then each one of us who has a faith in God must do our duty, take our part to accomplish our purpose in government. We should become intimately familiar with those who are active politically; we ought to be part and parcel of them. They should not be strangers to us. We should see to it that those men who have true qualities of leadership are placed in positions of trust and responsibility in the government; these fundamental principles of truth apply to every political party alike. There is no hope and can be no hope for our government, or any government, to which this principle does not apply.

Source: Elder Henry D. Moyle
General Conference, April 1952

Topics: Citizenship; Responsibility



It would be well if we could all be aroused by circumstances brought to our attention into a state of alertness to the dangers and the situations confronting us. I believe, my brethren, that it is well for every one of us to consider that he has a definite personal responsibility to do his full duty in the Church, in the government to which we belong, in order to forestall some of these calamities that look to be in the offing.

Source: President Stephen L. Richards
General Conference, April 1952

Topics: Citizenship; Responsibility

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